USDC on Testing Networks
What is a test network?
As you know, iPeakoin APIs represent value in the form of USDC, USDT, BTC, and ETH. USDC is a token running on multiple blockchains including the Ethereum blockchain, the Algorand blockchain, the Flow blockchain, Avalanche blockchain, and TRON blockchain.
These blockchains also exist on various testing networks ("testnet"), allowing developers to test their applications before deploying code on the main network ("mainnet").
USDC on Ethereum Goerli
Goerli is one of the Ethereum testing networks.
The USDC smart contract has been deployed to the Goerli testnet and is available at address 0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaa37f.
USDC on Algorand TestNet
TestNet is the Algorand testing network.
The USDC Algorand Standard Asset (ASA) has been deployed to the TestNet and with asset ID 10458941.
USDC on TRON Testnet
Shasta is the TRON testing network.
The USDC TRON token has been deployed to the Testnet and is available at address TFGBSrddCjLJAwuryZ9DUxtEmKv13BPjnh
USDC on Avalanche Testnet
Testnet is the Avalanche testing network.
The USDC Avalanche token has been deployed to the Testnet and is available at address USDC-on-AVAX token address: 0x5425890298aed601595a70ab815c96711a31bc65
USDC on Flow Testnet
Testnet is the Flow testing network.
The USDC Flow token has been deployed to the Testnet and is available at address USDC-on-FLOW token address: A.a983fecbed621163.FiatToken
Updated almost 2 years ago