Interlace API Resources

List of resources used by Interlace APIs.

Core Resource

Account Object

Example Account Object

  "id": "cae9efe2-b577-4632-8c57-8822ddb8542a",
  "type": "SubAccount",
  "status": "Active",
  "name": "wangwu0213",
  "displayId": "251759",
  "kycStatus": "Na",
  "cardKybStatus": "Passed",
  "createTime": "2023-03-06T07:51:59.391Z"

Account Attributes

id string

A UUID for the account.

type string

The type of account object. Possible values: SubAccount, MasterAccount.

status string

The status of account object. Possible values: Active, Frozen, Inactive.

name string


displayId string

The unique ID assigned

kycStatus string

The kycStatus of account object. Possible values: Pending, Request, Passed, Canceled, Na.

cardKybStatus string

The cardKybStatus of account object. Possible values: Pending, Request, Passed, Canceled, Na.

message string

KYC rejected the reason.

createTime string
ISO-8601 UTC date/time format.

User Object

Example User Object

  "id": "7d09c531-dd0b-4027-aa65-4e6f63416fae",
  "createTime": "2023-03-07T07:09:45.949Z",
  "status": "Active",
  "phone": "+8619923338445",
  "email": null,
  "name": "Macey.Mosciski科技有限公司"

User Attributes

id string

A UUID for the account.

status string

The status of account object. Possible values: Active, Frozen, Inactive.

phone string

phone number

email string


name string


createTime string
ISO-8601 UTC date/time format.

FaceAuthentication Object

Example FaceAuthentication Object

    "accountId": "38bd10c0-ac62-4bd3-93cc-b189e260d31d",
    "status": "Na",
    "reason": ""

FaceAuthentication Attributes

accountId string

The UUID of the Account.

status string

The status of transfer object. Possible values: Na, Pending, Success, Fail.

reason string

Cause of face authentication failure

Transfer Object

Example Transfer Object

    "id": "c32e92cb-49fe-4f2c-9598-492d31ea3b19",
    "accountId": "d37deed7-f0e7-4635-a43a-781af0cb59f0",
    "source": {
        "type": "crypto_assets",
        "currency": "USDC"
    "destination": {
        "type": "master_account"
    "amount": {
        "amount": "30",
        "currency": "USDC"
    "fee": {
        "amount": "0.6",
        "currency": "USD"
    "status": "Closed",
    "createTime": "2023-03-01T08:23:03.096Z",
    "updateTime": "2023-03-01T08:23:05.033Z"

Transfer Attributes

id string

A UUID for the transfer.

accountId string

The UUID of the Account.

source object

A Source object representing the source of the transfer.

destination object

A Destination object representing the destination of the transfer.

amount object

A Money object representing the amount transferred between source and destination.

fee object

A Money object representing fee associated with this payment.

status string

The status of transfer object. Possible values: Pending, Closed, Fail.

createTime string
ISO-8601 UTC date/time format.

updateTime string
ISO-8601 UTC date/time format.

Balance Object

Example Balance Object

    "id": "5abd4512-073f-43a0-a6e9-8378464f4e2f",
    "accountId": "c110e2aa-322b-4f3f-a795-f441955844ed",
    "available": 100,
    "pending": 50,
    "frozen": 0,
    "currency": "USD",
    "createTime": "2021-07-14T09:27:39.174Z",
    "walletType": "Card"

Balance Attributes

id string

A UUID for the balance.

accountId string

The UUID of the Account.

available double

available balance

frozen double

frozen balance

walletType string

The walletType of balance object. Possible values: Card, Budget, QuantumAccount, GlobalAccount, CryptoAsset.

createTime string
ISO-8601 UTC date/time format.

Infinity Card Resources

Budget Object

Example Budget Object

    "id": "08971715-b7b4-4916-ad98-c1719ea2035f",
    "accountId": "88c5610d-2bb3-4a8e-a506-9e00f69bae37",
    "name": "Kole.Little",
    "balanceId": "46ed0562-48d9-4460-b534-b3c35e96bedc",
    "expiryDate": "2099-12-31T15:59:59.000Z",
    "status": "Active",
    "createTime": "2022-01-18T03:08:56.779Z"

Budget Attributes

id string

A UUID for the Budget.

accountId string

The UUID of the Account.

name string


balanceId string

The UUID of the Balance.

expiryDate string

ISO-8601 UTC date/time format.

status string

The status of budget object. Possible values: Active, Frozen, Inactive.

createTime string

ISO-8601 UTC date/time format.

Card Object

Example Card Object

    "id": "ce04331f-d2f3-42de-8d65-f66c69aa3888",
    "accountId": "e8b0d02e-5f70-4baa-b824-b4f87e34716d",
    "token": "3d9bbdf1-3c93-4fbe-80bc-a3bfe25bd6ce",
    "status": "Inactive",
    "currency": "USD",
    "provider": "PrepaidCard_493193",
    "userName": "as aa",
    "createTime": "2021-08-30T11:59:32.935Z",
    "cardNoLastFour": "9990",
    "cardAddress": null,
    "label": "默认",
    "balanceId": "7eddcfcc-f6a3-4875-8aab-2c7a0f639023"

Card Attributes

id string

A UUID for the Card.

accountId string

The UUID of the Account.

balanceId string

The UUID of the Balance

budgetId string

The UUID of the Budget

token string

The three-party unique identification id of the card


Currency code

provider string

Card Provider

userName string

Card Holder

cardNoLastFour string

Last four digits of the card number

label string

Custom label

createTime string

ISO-8601 UTC date/time format.

CardTransaction Object

Example CardTransaction Object

    "id": "302b17cf-b56a-4f86-bc7f-32ae6dd71550",
    "accountId": "2040791b-9132-4621-86a7-3e5476db9dab",
    "cardId": "de61fa0f-c6b2-4dfe-b411-873fd43fbd51",
    "currency": "USD",
    "amount": 10,
    "fee": 0,
    "type": "TransferIn",
    "clientTransactionId": "595f83f6-9b28-464d-be77-e9e7319d2951",
    "status": "Closed",
    "transactionTime": "2021-10-28T11:07:31.019Z"

CardTransaction Attributes

id string

A UUID for the CardTransaction.

accountId string

The UUID of the Account.

cardId string

The UUID of the Card


Currency code

amount double

Transaction amount

fee double

Transaction fee

type string

The type of CardTransaction object. Possible values: Consumption, TransferIn, TransferOut, Credit, Reversal, Frozen, UnFrozen.

clientTransactionId string

Custom transaction id

status string

The status of CardTransaction object. Possible values: Pending, Closed, Fail.

transactionTime string

ISO-8601 UTC date/time format.

BudgetTransaction Object

Example BudgetTransaction Object

    "id": "b4e61edc-63d0-44b9-9251-d1b10fcfb4bb",
    "accountId": "88c5610d-2bb3-4a8e-a506-9e00f69bae37",
    "budgetId": "00f0012e-ce96-4135-8cf8-e6eb51463040",
    "cardId": null,
    "amount": 0.11,
    "fee": 0,
    "type": "TransferIn",
    "clientTransactionId": "5dce475f-4950-4961-9977-0dad80d318e4",
    "status": "Closed",
    "transactionTime": "2022-01-19T08:44:38.599Z"

BudgetTransaction Attributes

id string

A UUID for the BudgetTransaction.

accountId string

The UUID of the Account.

budgetId string

The UUID of the Budget.

cardId string

The UUID of the Card


Currency code

amount double

Transaction amount

fee double

Transaction fee

type string

The type of CardTransaction object. Possible values: Consumption, TransferIn, TransferOut, Credit, Reversal, CreateCardFee.

clientTransactionId string

Custom transaction id

status string

The status of CardTransaction object. Possible values: Pending, Closed, Fail.

transactionTime string

ISO-8601 UTC date/time format.

Global Account Resource

BankAccount Object

Example BankAccount Object

    "id": "f3f1855d-0942-4e9c-bbf8-e97db721103e",
    "status": "Active",
    "currency": "USD",
    "accountNo": "GB49TCCL12345614818413",
    "accountId": "d37deed7-f0e7-4635-a43a-781af0cb59f0",
    "createTime": "2023-02-24T03:29:42.241Z",
    "bankName": "The Currency Cloud Limited",
    "routingType": "BIC_SWIFT",
    "routingNumber": "TCCLGB3L",
    "bankAddress": "12 Steward Street, The Steward Building, London, E1 6FQ, GB",
    "accountName": "API TEST"

BankAccount Attributes

id string

A UUID for the BankAccount.

accountId string

The UUID of the Account.

accountName string

Name of account holder

accountNo string

Account number

currency string


bankName string

Bank name

bankAddress string

Bank address

swift string


routingNumber string

Routing number

routingType string

Routing type

branchName string

Branch name

branchCode string

Branch code

status string

The status of BankAccount object. Possible values: Active, Frozen, Inactive.

createTime string

ISO-8601 UTC date/time format.

GlobalAccountTransaction Object

Example GlobalAccountTransaction Object
    "id": "2174e191-3554-49a9-a891-6bcac1b143c5",
    "accountId": "fc91fece-f8e2-43d9-a70b-a1bddebc399c",
    "currency": "USD",
    "settlementCurrency": "USD",
    "counterparty": "Interlace Pay",
    "transactionAmount": 10,
    "fee": 36,
    "businessType": "Outbound",
    "status": "Pending",
    "transactionTime": "2021-11-18T07:23:42.096Z",
    "transactionId": "f2646616-930c-4259-92ea-064e6d870a21",
    "clientTransactionId": "dd7774c1-e9a2-14942-921d-f6909cc8fa61",
    "createTime": "2021-11-18T07:23:42.096Z"
GlobalAccountTransaction Attributes

id string

A UUID for the GlobalAccountTransaction.

accountId string

The UUID of the Account.

currency string


settlementCurrency string

Settlement Currency

counterparty string


transactionAmount double

Transaction amount

fee double

Transaction fee

businessType string

The businessType of GlobalAccountTransaction object. Possible values: Inbound, Outbound.

status string

The status of GlobalAccountTransaction object. Possible values: Active, Frozen, Inactive.

transactionTime string

ISO-8601 UTC date/time format.

transactionId string

Order number

clientTransactionId string

Custom transaction id

createTime string

ISO-8601 UTC date/time format.

Crypto Asset Resources

Deposit And Withdrawal Objects

Example Deposit And Withdrawal Object

    "id": "8ea4d70d-6c49-43fd-ba0d-cd0b66aed212",
    "createTime": "2022-09-21T08:03:45.000Z",
    "updateTime": "2022-09-21T08:03:45.000Z",
    "accountId": "0a059b05-d63c-4782-b981-836ea9e6beb9",
    "balanceId": "2fab8c69-81e9-4752-9cad-9769463f42bf",
    "chain": "AVAX",
    "currency": "USDC",
    "amount": "1.0",
    "fee": "0",
    "to": "0x35c183dac2a7c58bba78a500a18571cda0a9daa4",
    "status": "Closed",
    "transactionHash": "0xeacc3d50de29d22209fc0c94a6fc8e09e24e473a4cbfee4830f0d495275e7b8e"

Deposit And Withdrawal Attributes

id string


accountId string

The UUID of the Account.

balanceId string

The UUID of the Balance.

chain string

API Chain Code

currency string

API Currency Code

amount string

Deposit or Withdrawal the amount

fee string

Deposit or Withdrawal the fee

to string

Arrival address.

status string

The status of Deposit And Withdrawal object. Possible values: Pending, Closed, Fail.

transactionHash string

A hash that uniquely identifies an on-chain transaction.

updateTime string

ISO-8601 UTC date/time format.

createTime string

ISO-8601 UTC date/time format.

Nested Resources

Source and Destination Objects

transfers reference source and destination objects, which as the names suggest, tell you where the funds are coming from and where they're going.

Sources and destinations can have the following types:

  • quantum_account for transfers to/from quantum account
  • quantum_sub_account for transfers to/from SubAccount quantum account
  • crypto_assets for transfers to/from crypto asset account
// quantum_account
  "type": "quantum_account"

// quantum_sub_account
// The "id" represents the UUID of the Account object.
  "type": "quantum_sub_account",
  "id": "4c888d1b-21cf-4e59-8e81-449f16f9a79e"

// crypto_assets
// The "currency" Represents the currency of the crypto asset.
  "type": "crypto_assets",
  "currency": "USDC"

Money Object

Monetary amounts across our APIs are represented as Money objects, which consist of an amount and a currency. The only supported currency at the moment is USD, and the amount is denominated in dollars as a string with fractional cents. In the example below, the amount being represented is $3.14.

  "amount": "3.14",
  "currency": "USD"